We are happy to announce this new feature that allows Cattler account holders to cover their cattle lots with insurance protection. This is the result of the partnership we initiated with the company Stockguard, which is focused on providing different types of insurance for the cattle industry.

At this point we have one initial insurance product, the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP). Administered by the USDA, LRP allows you to set a floor selling price for your livestock by the head. LRP coverage is especially important in today’s climate, as events including livestock disease outbreaks, drought, industry facility disruptions, and COVID-19 can cause market prices to drop unexpectedly.
How do you access this feature from your Cattler account? Easy, go to the lot you want to cover in the Cattle Management section, and among the different tabs you have, you will see the Plan, which is the place where you establish your goals for that lot in terms of ADG, length of stay and end weight. Once you complete those goals, you will the following legend activated (see picture below), with a link to Check the Offer.

After that, you will have access to different offerings of contracts that are available for the characteristics of your lot, which are provided by Stockguard. If you check the image below you can see how that looks.

If you pick in any of those options with the button in green, you will be automatically directed to the Stockguard website, a
nd within there you will be able to create an account (or login, if you already have one) and go on with the insurance contract process.
If you want to know more, check this You Tube video on how to simply get a quote for one of your lots, and then this video will help you to understand how to proceed once you jump into the Stockguard web.
The LRP is the first insurance product we are launching with Stockguard, but there will be more down the pipeline. Since Cattler is all about feedback, please let us know what you think about how it works, about the experience and what would you like to have moving forward. For Cattler it is a big deal to begin providing value to our members beyond the features of the app, through partnerships with other companies. If you are already working with us, take a look at it in your own account. If you are not, give it a try and check our subscription plans. This feature works in any of those.